Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mommy's Going Back to Work :(

My little Lina<3:

I have something to tell you.  Mommy is sure that you heard it already, with Daddy and I talking about it a lot.  Mommy already talked to you about it, and how I am going to miss you so much.  Mommy is going back to work full time.  I know that there has not been a day where Mommy left you for a entire day.  It will be a big adjustment for you, not having Mommy around during the day, to beat up, to hug, to hit, to kiss, to pull, to scream with, to play with...  Mommy know that you will be just fine, after a few days.  The plan is that PorPor is taking care of you for three days a week, during the day, while I work.  Daddy and I will drop you off and then we will see you at the end of the work day.  Do not worry, it will only be a few hours...about eight hours or so.  Mommy promise to call you during the day and once Mommy shows PorPor how to use Skype, we can see each other during the day.  It is going to be so hard to leave you for the day :(  Mommy knows that you will be in good hands, but I still worry because your Mommy is not there with you.  You are going to have so much fun with PorPor, you will spend your days at her house, take walks, play, learn Chinese, and go to the park.  And before you know it, Mommy will be right back at her house to pick you up.

So April 10, 2013 is the big day for us.  We will doing a trial run this week for three days to see how you can handle being away from Mommy.. (or how I will handle it...ahh!)

Know that Daddy and Mommy loves you very much!  Mommy will always be a phone call away. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

In The News: How Pointing Makes Babies Human

The article of the week that was published on March 26, 2013.

""The infants didn’t just want attention to themselves. They wanted someone to share in their experience of the world. “It’s just so rewarding to have somebody else share your opinions about something,” Carpenter says. “Especially for a 12-month-old baby, but also for us. Imagine if you had a friend who never found the same things interesting that you did. It’s really rewarding for us, too.”

Read more about it here.

Lina<3 is at the stage where pointing has become one of the ways she communicates with us.  This article makes understand me more about why she points and that it is more than just wanting something.

Last few days of March....

To my little Lina<3:

Hi princess, it has been a while since Mommy has written to you here. It has been extremely busy on my part. I know that you may not notice the difference, but there are many things to prepare for and many things to look forward to in the next few months.

First things first: let's catch what has been happening in the last two week.

During playtime, you had learned to stack, and sort shapes :) Mommy is so proud of you, and will continue to practice with you every day, so you can get better at stacking, and sorting. You have learned how to throw, and kick a ball.  When Mommy watches you throw the ball, it is so funny, because you use all your strengthen to throw the ball but it does not get very far.  The way you kick the ball is funny as well, you just walk into the ball, and that is what you call kicking, when Mommy says kick the ball.  You are learning to slowly swing your foot to kick the ball, but that is nerving wrecking because it looks like you are going to fall.  Mommy does not remember when you first started to run, because it feels like it just happen so naturally a few months after you learned to walk.  At times, you run so fast, and Daddy & I always worried that you are going to fall or run into something (like the wall).  You learned to climb up on to the couch, by lifting your legs up to your toy next to the couch, and onto the couch.  Today, you had climbed onto the couch with no difficulties at all, and you went to the couch by yourself, (without Mommy there).  Mommy explained to you that you should always have Mommy or Daddy on the couch with you, so that you do not fall and hurt yourself.  It is fun watching you toss yourself around on the couch. throw yourself on the pillows, and laughing up a storm.  Lina<3, it is fun watching you empty and fill up containers, toy boxes, tissue boxes, and your old diaper boxes.  You love to hide things behind your back, underneath your legs, between the couch (when you are on the couch), and underneath the blankets and pillow (when you are playing on Mommy's bed).

Reading time is always fun for you.  The favorite books for nap time and bedtime are "The Runaway Bunny" and "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown.  Those two books are a must read before nap time in the afternoon, and bedtime in the evening.  Sometimes it is not about reading, but turning the pages that is most exciting to you as you hold your bear with the other hand.  You turn the pages so fast that Mommy do not get to read the entire book.  Once we get to the end of the book, and Mommy says, the end and bye by to the book, you wave to the book good bye.  As we read, we sit on the rocking chair every afternoon, and evening.  I love reading time, it give us more chances to snuggle, hug, and cuddle.  It is also a way to relax you as well :) before sleeping.

The symptoms of your eczema has been minimal to none.  We are continuing to moisturize your skin daily because it is good for your skin, and keep you nice, and soft.  Your scratching has been kept under control with daily doses of antihistamine, as prescribed by your doctor.  With less scratching, the discoloration on your skin has almost disappeared, and your skin tone has even out.  The cradle caps on your scalp has been controlled with daily brushing, and moisturizing with extra virgin olive oil after washing your hair.  For the two weeks, you have a diaper rash.  The Triple Paste diaper cream works well but does not make it go away.  The diaper rash always comes back, sometimes it is bright red, and other times it is light pink.  The rash have bumps but that usually disappears fast.  Mommy is changing your diaper every two to three hours.  I do not understand why the diaper rash is sticking around for so long.  Even when you were a newborn, your diaper rashes never last two weeks, not even a week.

There are many new dishes that you have been trying.  Some you like, and some you do not like.  I will posting that later on with pictures, and recipes.  You are feeding yourself with a spoon but not more than a few spoonfuls...either you get tired of feeding yourself, or you are not getting enough food into your mouth because some of the foods fall down on your bib.  When it comes to using a fork, it is a little more difficult for you to use.  You could put the fork in your mouth if there's food on it already.  We are trying to transition you to a training cup without a soft sprout, but you do not like it at all, and it is something for you to get use to.  It has been harder to ween you off the bottles because you do not like to drink your milk from a straw or from a cup.  Maybe Mommy needs to put away all the bottles, and just use the cups.  The amount of water you are consuming has been very little, since we started using your new cups.  Every once in a while, you get some orange juice from a cup through a straw.  You have been a little bit of a picky eater, if you eat all your lunch, it is not guarantee that you will eat your dinner and vice versa.  That has been frustrating because you did not gain much weight from your last two doctor visits.

You walk up, and down the stairs now, with me holding onto your hands.  There is no more crawling up the stairs, even if I let you.   You would rather hold onto the wall, and put your foot up on the step to walk up.  You like to walk down the stairs :) even if I am carrying you down the stairs, you make indications that you walk.  One step at a time, sometimes it is a big step.

The sleeping process at night time has gotten a lot better.  You are sleeping through the night.  Sleep for you means sleep for Daddy and I.  There are some nights where you get a little fussy but you fall back to sleep on your own.  It is so cute when Mommy goes in to check up on you.  Most of the nights, your buttocks is up in the air while you sleep.  Or you are still holding your doll and bear to sleep.

Temper tantrums has been more frequent and short variables at a time.  You have developed this whiny nature though, that can last the entire day.  It can be so frustrating because you do not give any indication about what you want.  You point at everything, and just whine. It does not happen that often, maybe once or twice a week.

Looking back on the past two weeks, makes me realize how fast you are growing.  Your milestones are becoming more subtle and more frequent.  You are now almost 16months, wow! enough said right, lol

I love you very much.  I continue to be amazed by your adorable nature, and learn from you.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Updated Sidebar...

Lina<3, Mommy organized the sidebar on your blog and tried to make it better

All Things _____... Sidebar is ready for you to explore when you are ready. The sidebar is on the right hand side, so just need to scroll down to check it out.

All Things Interesting Sites: include websites that are not only interesting but informative about parenthood, about baby's development, clothing companies, and websites about literacy.

All Things Cool Multicultural Mom Bloggers: are other Mommies (not Mommy-me) who love to blog about their lifestyles, interests, motherhood, parenthood... and so much more.

All Things Eczema - Education, Blogs: are very informative and extremely helpful for me when I was just learning about eczema.

All Things Chinese - Education, Resources, Music, Food, Blogs, Fun: has been updated with more sites that are not only fun to check out but informative.

All Things "Trini to the Bone" - History, Music, News, Food, Fun: includes all things Trinidadian related. Mommy can not believe that I forget to include this part of your culture.

Please check out the sites when you get older, and hope that the websites still exist later on. You are my precious little one, and Mommy is trying to ensure that you get the best of every aspect of the world.

The Spoon and Self Feeding

Since last Christmas, Mommy had gave you a spoon to hold during lunch and dinner time. Having you hold the spoon was the only way to get you to eat more. And you have been eating better. After holding the spoon, you learned to put the spoon in the bowl to play with your food (when Mommy puts the bowl in front of you on your tray). You would try to scoop the food onto the spoon and try to feed Mommy. Usually you do not scoop up much food onto the spoon but the concept is there, so it is a good step. This past two weeks, Mommy helped you scoop food onto your spoon, and assisted you in feed yourself by bringing the spoon to your mouth. This past three days, you are trying to feed yourself.  You actually scoop up some food onto your spoon and bring it to your mouth, all by yourself, ALL BY YOURSELF! :) It is funny because most of the food falls down on your bib. I am glad that you are learning to feed yourself. With more practice, Mommy knows that you will enjoy your meals more. Mommy is so proud of you for this new milestone.

Silly Things that You Do

Lina<3, you make Mommy smile all the time with the silly antics that you do.
Some of these antics you do are:
  • walk around while your arms are held behind you. It is the silliest thing that you do. Mommy smiles and giggles whenever you do this; and ask you "what are you doing?", "why are you doing that?", and "are  you trying to make Mommy laugh?"
  • walk towards Mommy while waving a wooden spoon in the air. As soon as you reach me, you hit Mommy in the buttocks with the wooden spoon. Mommy always tells you not to hit me and that it is not nice to hit, but I can not help to smile and laugh, which makes you laughs and smiles as well. This silly behavior is becoming a habit, always at the same time, while Mommy prepares dinner in the kitchen, and you are playing with Mommy's kitchen pots, pans, and utensils. Mommy is trying to be consistent so that hitting does not become a habit.
  • stuffing your toys inside your shirt, and pants, lol or inside Mommy's or Daddy's shirt, shirt pockets, pant's pockets.  Daddy taught you this by hiding toys inside your pants. You would hide your toys in your clothing or ours, and then struggle to get it out. When you can not get it out easily, you get frustrated, and let out a scream (which is your way of letting Mommy know that you need help).
  • playing with your saliva. This is definitely something that should not be developed into a habit because it is yucky. Your fingers goes in your mouth, play with your salvia, comes over to Mommy and puts your wet fingers on Mommy's face. You love to see Mommy's reaction and makes you smile, and thinks it is funny. Mommy reinforces that it is not a nice thing to do.
  • whenever Mommy or Daddy sits on your play mat to play with you, you would try to push us on the floor, so you can climb all over us. When we would not budge from your pushing, you push even harder (seems like its with all your efforts). You do not give up until we lie down on the mat. As soon as we do, you climb all over us; putting your buttocks in our faces; laying down on our tummies, or legs; or putting your toys on top of our bellies. Most of the time, you like to sit on top of Mommy's belly, and bounced up and down. It is fun. Daddy and I follow your instructions on how you want to play/climb.
  •  mauh muah muah kissy for Mommy but when I come to you for my kisses, you run away from me (as if you were trying to trick Mommy and make Mommy chase you). Mommy laughs when you do this :) You repeat this for a couple of times, and then finally give me a kiss. It is fun to chase you for my kiss because you run away so fast, and laughing as you run.  You do the same thing to Daddy as well.
These are just some of the silly antics that you do, and I am sure that it would not be the last of it. I am pretty sure that you get your silliness from Daddy. Mommy tries to capture these silly moments but it is so hard because you are very alert and knows when the camera is on you. When the camera comes out, you reach for it right away, so the moment is lost except in Mommy's memories-one of the many cherished and treasured moments. These silly antics are done daily or every other day. Mommy loves you, and all that you do.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Morning Cuddles

For the past few weeks Lina<3, you have been waking up early. 6am, 6:15am, 6:30am, has been your usual times. It was fine with Mommy, since you have had slept through the entire night for three nights in a row (Yeah, a new record). When you wake up early in the morning, Mommy let you played a little bit in your crib before coming to get you (majority of the time, Daddy went to pick you), and brought you to bed with Mommy. Instead of giving Mommy a morning kiss and hug, you pointed to Mommy's phone (to play on the Window 8 phone Kids Zone). It kept you occupied while Mommy caught some shut-eye moments. When  you get bored with the phone, you walked on the bed, screamed in excitement, called for Daddy (who was getting ready for work), played with your toys, jumped on Mommy, rolled around on Mommy, and climbed down from the bed to floor, and wanted to come back up. Later after playing on the bed, you give Mommy kisses and hugs. It is always nice to start off the morning like that. Mommy treasures all these moments with you.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Following Directions

Lina<3, you are getting better and better at following directions. Mommy started to direct you to do simple things like close the cabinet doors that you were not suppose to open, and pick up you toy. Mommy points to the item that I want to you pick up, you stare at it for a while, you point to it and then you go and pick it after Mommy repeats "go pick your toy".  Mommy gives you other instructions such as "give it to me" or "give it to Daddy" and once you understood that the words became "give it to me (or Daddy) please" or "may I have it please". You also know how to put things back in its place when Mommy ask you to put it back, and you tend to do it, but not all the time. Also, other requests such as "where's your duck, or book, or bear?", you go and find it, and show it to Mommy. These request works best when you are in a fussy, and whiny mood.
99% of the time, you follow these instructions.