Friday, September 25, 2015

Where have we been?

Where have Lina<3 and Serena:) been?  

Well let's see it has been months since our last post (last November 2014) yikes! We have been so busy. 

My adorable Serena:) has grown up so much (almost 2years old), she is walking or more  like just running all the time, she does not know how to walk, just run, run, run. Just went right to running from the time she could stand up on her own. She also speak more, and coherently.  She loves to sing, (abcs and twinkle, twinkle...etc), color (especially the walls and floor), painting (more like finger-painting or hand-printing), run and jump (attempt to jump, lol) It is absolutely amazing to watch how cute and adorable she is. She eats very well and eats by herself too with a spoon. She is still in diapers , pampers easy up, but in process of potty train, she peepee and poop in potty. She is going through tantrums at times where there is no soothing her. 

My little Lina<3 is almost 4 years old. She is in preschool now :) Just started pre-kindergarten earlier this month. I am so excited for her. She has gotten so big, so grown up, mature and adorable. She loves to dance - ballet - twirl like a ballerina, leap like a ballerina, pile like a ballerina. She also love the colors red, pink, and blue. She loves to draw, color, and paint. She is a chatterbox, more so since school started.  

The two biggest changes are that Lina<3 started preschool and and I went back to work in January, so time management is crucial and important. But I learned that it is okay when things/chores in the house doesn't get completed as long as I get some times to interact with my babies (yes, my Lina<3 and Serena:) will always be my babies). 

These are my girls :) and they are getting big so fast and it is happening too fast. I love my Lina<3 and my Serena:)   

Love Always, 

Look at their pictures, now and then... 

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