Monday, February 4, 2013

Countdown to Chinese New Year - Day Seven - Numbers

Lina<3, the topic for today is numbers, which numbers are the luckiest and unluckiest, according to the Chinese. You actually countdown the days to Chinese New Year with Mommy this morning, well Mommy did most of the work. Of course, Mommy had told you that eight is a very lucky number and four is very unlucky.

Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in Chinese Culture
The study of Chinese culture is very interesting because they have so much superstitions and beliefs like numerology, using the laws of heaven and earth (astronomy and geography) -- "feng shui", choice of color etc. One of their main Chinese belief is that numbers contribute a lot to their good luck and their happiness in life. Their belief pertaining to a particular number and the luck it may bring affect their behavior and choices in life . Chinese beliefs and culture revolves around getting good vibes or good luck and the pursuit of happiness and long life. In this article, we are going to look at lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese culture, and the certain meaning of a particular number.

Have you ever wondered why they chose and fought hard to be the host of the Olympic 2008? they started the opening ceremony on August 8, 2008? It is because the number 8 is a lucky number for them and they believe it will bring good luck to their players if they start the Olympics on that date. Are you interested yet, come on now we will take a look at lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese culture.

Chinese numbers and their symbols

Chinese numbers and their symbols

First we are going to look at their definitions of numbers
  • Zero (0) -- simply means All or NOTHING as it is an absolute number
  • One (1) -- Individual. Aggressor -- "The Yang which is the other balance of Yin"
  • Two (2) -- Stability or Balance means Union or Receptive. "The Yin which is the other balance of Yang
  • Three (3) - means talking and understanding --Communication plus interaction plus Neutrality.
  • Four (4) -- Creation, Death
  • Five (5) -- Action or Restlessness.
  • Six (6) -- Fluidity, Responsibility, Reaction
  • seven (7) -- Mind, Consciousness and thoughts
  • Eight (8) -- Sacrifice, Work Hard and Power, Infinite -- no beginning no ending, continuous.
  • Nine (9) -- Highest level of change
  • Ten (10) -- Being born again or Rebirth

General Rules on Numbers
  • To consider if the number is lucky means to consider the pronunciation of the number and they sound pronunciation of another word and it should carry a positive connotation or vibes.
  • Even numbers are preferred but not the number four
  • Four is the most dreaded number - it means death
  • Eight is a lucky number and is always good for business
  • For odd numbers, seven implies anger and abandon, it is both an unlucky and lucky number
  • Nine means longevity and eternity. It is the luckiest number
  • Fourteen as well as 4 are the most feared number in Chinese superstition.
  • Thirteen is also an unlucky number to Chinese people so they don't usually have thirteenth floor or fourteenth floor in any buildings
  • They usually begin a new business on the 8th day. Number 8 is lucky for business as it brings unending money and good luck due to the shape of number -- infinite shape
  • Certain numbers are auspicisos meaning lucky and inauspicios meaning unlucky. This goes for single digits and or any combinations of numbers
Valentines Day is nearing so when you give flowers to your loved one consider these:
  • One means you are my love
  • Two means we are together, we are best as pairs
  • Three means "I love you"
Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in Chinese Culture
  • Odd Numbers generally mean the Yang energy -- celestial, space, heaven -- above earth and masculine
  • Even Numbers generally mean Yin energy and it means terrestrial, earthly , earth and is feminine
Lucky or Unlucky Chinese Numbers
  • Zero means the pre inception, nothingness, but cannot be identified, it is deprivation of the senses
  • One means loneliness, beginning, masculine. One has a thrusting energy that surges forth new growth and potential. One corresponds with the Chinese Zodiac symbol of the Rat. The energy of one rules over the Northern direction in Feng Shui practices.
  • Two is considered a good number in Chinese culture because pairs are always good for them. They always use double things to emphasize things as well, like double happiness, double coins etc.It also means a female. "Two corresponds with the Chinese zodiac symbol of the Ox plus it governs North plus Northeast directions in Feng Shui".
  • Three is also a lucky number for them as this is similar to the character of birth. The "Chinese Tiger" is the Chinese zodiac symbol for number three-- and East plusNortheast is the designated direction in Feng Shui-
  • Four is an unlucky number and it means death. That is why there is no 4th floor usually in Chinese buildings -- the Chinese zodiac symbol for number four is the Rabbit -- and east is its direction in Feng Shui --
  • Five -- this is a lucky number and is usually link to the five elements which are wood, earth eater fire earth and metal. This number is usually linked to the Emperor of China as well and the Tienanmen gate. "A great practice to familiarize ourselves with the Chinese number five is to adopt the founding five Chinese blessings like Wealth-- Happiness-- Longevity -- Luck and Prosperity. "The Chinese zodiac symbol for number five is the Chinese Dragon plus its corresponding direction in "Feng Shui" is East and Souththeast-
  • Six -- The number six usually means fluidity -- blessings and it is good for business, unlike in the Western world where we don’t like the number six, in Chinese culture it is a lucky number. "When we contemplate the meaning of number six in our lives we are contemplating the perennial mysteries of life contained in celestial power-- cosmic focus and the cyclical nature of time. "The Snake" -- is the Chinese zodiac symbol for number six plus South and Southeast is its direction in "Feng Shui" practices--
  • Seven -- This is an unlucky number in Chinese. I dont know why Tony Parker and his wife Eva Longoria married in France on July 7, 2007. It sio the month of ghost July. The number six, eight and nine are lucky dates as well. And the Chinese zodiac symbol for seven is the horse plus South is the "Feng Shui" coordinate--

  • Eight -- This is their favorite number aside from nine and simply means prosperity. It is interesting to note that words and the number are similar - number eight and fortune "Baat and faat".The value of eight is also linked with Buddhism -- the Lotus flower with eight petals. "The Sheep" is the Chinese zodiac symbol for this number and South--Southwest is the "Feng Shui" direction--
  • Nine-- is the biggest of single numbers and it connotes the "Emperor of China" -- his robes are with nine dragons on it. Nine is a lucky number for Chinese because it connotes longevity, happiness and good luck. Since the number nine is the highest number it means it is reaching the highest cosmic satisfaction and its Chinese zodiac symbol is Monkey and its "Feng Shui" direction is West/Southwest --
Some interesting facts about the number 8
  • The Olympics in Beijing kicked off in August 8, 2008 at 8 pm, 8 minutes and 8 seconds after 8 pm.
  • A Chinese man offered to sell his license plate number -- A88888 for USD164,000
  • A number of a telephone with all eight digits on it was sold for 270, 723 in Chengdu, China.
  • The number eight can also be linked to the lotus flower with eight petals
  • The Bank of Commerce in New York when they have grand opening raffled off safety deposit box number 888.
  • it was in 1994 when a Chinese businessman paid 1.7 million USD for a car license plate with -9- --- a number that was particularly lucky that year because the Chinese word for --nine-- sounds like the Chinese word for "dog," and 1994 was the year of that animal.
  • A Chinese man paid 215,000 USD for the lucky number for a cellphone "133-3333-3333".
  • Another phone number 8888-8888 has also been purchased in China..

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