Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Just one of those moments

These last few days had been one of those moments, with a lot of fussiness, crying hysteric, whininess, and screaming throughout the day from my little Lina<3. Of course, it was not every minute of the day. There were some very good times. Lina<3 had been very helpful with Serena:) lately (when she wants to be). Lina<3 helps with diaper changes, and during playtime. Serena:) loves to watch Lina<3 play especially when Lina<3 plays with her. My baby Serena:) smiled at Lina<3 now. Serena:) has been quite tranquil, only cries for feeding, and from being overtired.

The toughest times were around naptimes, and mealtimes. Naptimes had been a terror this week. I have been met with hysterical crying, kicking, screaming, and absolute refusal to sleep. We have the same routines, but there's always a fight these past few days. Monday was the best nap day where I slept with both of them in bed for two hours but it was not easy time to go down for the nap. Serena:) sleeps well, few hours at a time, even better during the night. My baby Serena:) stays awake longer, for about two to three hours at a time. The sleeping routine that been developed coincides with each other so that when Lina<3 have lunch, and naps Serena:) is already asleep. Mealtimes are hard as well because Lina<3 doesn't want to eat anything but her snacks, and some fruits. It has been hard to distract her and get her to eat. My number one rule, I try not to break is that we should eat only in the kitchen or dining room area. Serena:) eats well, only breastmilk, not too often, every few hours.

I had put down the foam Abc mat, so Serena:) have a place to do tummy time more often, and also for Lina<3 to play, and learn her letters, and numbers. Lina<3 does not like to share her toys with her baby sister, and often snatches her toys from baby's hands. I learned that when it comes to sharing Lina's toys, it has to be from her own doing otherwise she will not let anyone playing with her toys. I am also telling Lina<3 to be nice, and share her toys with her baby sister. It is so nerve-wrecking to watch the two of them playing on the mat because Lina<3 is so rambunctious. Serena:) is playing well, reaching for her toys; hold her toys, puts toys in mouth; put her hands together; responds to noises, our speeches, and laughter; likes to sit up with support, even tries to sit when lying down, lol the cutest to see her picking up head so much, it like she is doing a sit-up; starting some crawling motion during tummy time; and exclaims when she wants our attention and does not want to play by herself.

My little girls are not so little anymore. They are growing up too fast! Lina<3 is going through her "terrible twos" and so much discoveries for her to find and learn. She counts 1-10 in English and Mandarin.  Lina<3 loves to dance, cook, play doctor (yes, Mama needs to get a doctor kit), read books, and now sings along with me such as Abcs; row row your boat; rock a bye; and twinkle twinkle little star. Our new venture is to learn the alphabets, and learn to read. And for Serena:)she has so many milestones to go through this year which will be amazing to see.

Although it was a tough day, I still love every moment of it. You know it should not had been such a difficult day since I had PorPor to help me out, lol. Still it was just one of those moments after PorPor left. Well good night, my two baby girls.

Love Always. Mama

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