Saturday, August 16, 2014

food, food, food....

Food, food, food, sometimes I just feel like the day is surrounded by food!  Everyone has to eat!  The girls always eats first then comes Baba and I.  Not too soon after the meals, snacks are given.  The kitchen is where we are most of the day.  Between preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning, food becomes an all day thing at times.

Lina<3 likes the idea of food but gets very fussy (at times) during meal and snack times about what she wants to eat, where she wants to eat, what bowl or utensil to use, and even how to eat (by self or be fed).  When Lina<3 does eat, she eats a lot, and then some, and feeds self too. Lina <3 is also learning how use chopsticks to eat with certain meals :)

So far, Serena:) is a very good eater.  In fact, it seems like Serena:) is on a "see - food diet", lol she wants to eat in sight even if it is not her own food.  Serena:) loves to eat and it seems like she is always ready to eat. When I was carrying Serena:), I was always hungry, and ate and snacked very frequently, as she always to eat. It is a good thing the she eats well so well, and I hope that it continues as she gets older.  Serena:) is very vocal when it comes to eating.  Sometimes I feed Lina<3 first, Serena:) sees Lina's<3 bowlful of food, and spoon; she gets very wide eyes, and her mouth opens (ready to eat); but when she realizes that it is not for her, she screams and fusses, and wondering where her food is, lol. It is the cutest thing, my little greedy girl. I guess she remembers when Baba had told her that, when she learns to scream louder than her sister she will get attention first, lol.

The hardest part of the day is during meal times especially Lina<3 refuses to eat regardless of the endless efforts and distractions.  I always tried to feed the two of them at the same time, one spoonful for Lina<3 and then two to three spoonfuls for Serena (her spoonfuls are smaller).

Food is apart of life, we must eat to grow up, big, and strong, and healthy as I like to tell Lina<3 so she can try, and understand why it is important to eat food, and drink water.

I love watching both of them eat, and enjoy their foods.  It is so cute to watch them play in their kitchen together. Lina <3 cooks (as she stands in front of stove with her pot and spoon to cook), as Serena:) washes dishes in the sink (as she stands in front of sink filled with bowls, and pots to wash).

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

the things she says ....

These last three mornings, Lina<3 wakes up and calls for me, which is not unusual at all.  She always calls me for "mama".  Now it is "mama", and if she does not hear from me, she will call me again "mama", then wait, and says "Kim" several times, lol.  At first, I thought I heard wrong, but when you asked her what she just said, she will tell me "Kim". Even during the day, she will use my name whenever she talks to me, or need me for something.  I can asked her,  "how are you", and she would say, "I'm fine, Kim (or Kimmy)".  It is the cutest thing to hear her say.

Besides saying my name, there is the inevitable question that all children develop, the "why?" Lina<3 started "why" about two months ago, but its only been the last few weeks that she been asking more frequently.  At first, it is so adorable to know that she is so inquisitive .... Eh it is still adorable, but so tiring  (at times) when you answered the umpteenth time of why after why after why after why. Even if you answers the why, she would ask why again. Sometimes when Baba or I cannot think of answer or answering too many whys, we just say because.  The best thing to do is change the topic, drop the topic, and distract, which usually works.  When I ask her why sometimes,  her favorite answer is "because", "why because" I would ask her, and she would say, "just because".  Although it is tiresome when the whys do not stop, we always make a point to answer her. We hope that she continues to ask questions as she gets older, and find her way in this work. Baba and I always talk to Lina<3, and ask her questions - communication is so important.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Serena's milestones

My little Serena:) is growing up so fast, and developing at a faster pace than Lina<3 did, because she wants to play, and interact more with her jiejie (big sister in Chinese).

My little Serena:) is learning how to wave buh bye.  During breakfast time, I showed her how to wave buh bye, and her little hands just open and close, and open and close.  It was so cute to watch her watch her hands open and close like Mommy's because she was just as excited as I was to see her hand open and close. She is learning so fast. 

Also today, this evening with Baba (daddy in Chinese), Serena:) walked along the entire length of the couch. Baba did the same tricks (having a toy out of reach) I used to try, and get her to walk along the couch but it didn't work well for me.  It was amazing to watch her move her feet, one dragging foot after the other.  She is moving her chubby little feet :)

Speaking about chubby little feet, Serena:) walked by self with the walker for a longer stretch than her usual three to four steps. She walked from kitchen to Mommy's room.  It was shaky start. Even if she does not walk, she stand very well for a long period of time. That came with a lot of practice because if her jiejie is on the couch, Serena:) would stand by the couch just the see what her jiejie is doing. I am so proud of my baby Serena:) who is so quick to learn things because she wants for play with her jiejie.

Serena:) third tooth came out. It is the top tooth. It was peeking yesterday, and past few days, which led to a lot of clinginess and fussiness. Since it came out, she feels much better, and able to enjoy the day better, which is always a good thing.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

NY Aquarium and Coney Island’s Luna Park

NY Aquarium
We were taking advantage of the nice weather at the aquarium, and donation day on summer Fridays, last Friday.  Lina<3 had read a little bit about the aquarium and seemed interested in fish from our own aquarium at home.  Our first time here went well for Lina<3 and Serena:) who was startled by the loud noises from the sea lion show. Lina<3 liked observing the smaller fish but not the bigger ones, as it comes to close to her and it frighten her a bit.

Luna Park

Sisterly Bond

As my baby girls get bigger, they are starting to play together well whenever big sis, Lina<3 wants to play, lol.  Serena:) loves watching her big sister play.  I love watching my babies interact with each other. It is so adorable as they learn from each other. When Lina<3 is in a good mood and not throwing temper tantrums, she is so sweet to her baby sister, and plays well together.